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How Major Brands Make Google Fall in Love with Their Podcast Episode 2

How Major Brands Make Google Fall in Love with Their Podcast

· 18:28


Automatically Transcribed With Podsqueeze

Tahjma VanBuren (00:00:00) - Your favorite podcasts aren't relying on their great content or even their recognizable name. They're using very savvy SEO strategies, and you probably should be too. Welcome to iMoves Podcast. I am Tahjma VanBuren, and this is where we talk about not just how to start a podcast, but how to keep going, scale and use podcasts as an additive to your business. Let's get to it. Welcome back to iMoves Podcast. I'm so glad that you decided to click on this episode. Thank you. Thank you so much. today we are getting into kind of like a little bit of a piggyback on the last conversation that we had about the impact of SEO, but I want to get into how other podcasts that already are fairly established, how they're using the strategies of SEO, to their advantage and why they are where they are. So I want to talk about four different podcast podcasts shows themselves. the first being. Money Rehab with Nicole Lapin. The diary of a CEO with Steven Barlett. The journey with Morgan DeBaun and Dare to Lead podcast with Brene Brown.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:01:36) - Excuse me, Brené Brown. All of these podcasts. Are in the top 100 shows in the business category. At the time of this recording, at least every single one of them. Money rehab with Nicole Lapin is number two. Number two, the diary of a CEO with Steven Barlett is number seven. The journey with Morgan DeBaun is number 85, and literally two weeks ago she was number 15 and Dare to Lead. Podcast with Brené Brown is number 60 there in the top 100 shows of the business category for podcasts. That's incredible, and it's hard work, but they're not doing anything that we as small business owners, as more centralized podcasters, can't do on her own. And I bet you if you went to any one of these people's podcast or YouTube channels, excuse me, where they're hosting the video version of their podcast. I bet you there's one episode on their platform that does not have a good jillion views. But they're still doing the work. Here's what they're doing. They're doing several things very right.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:03:02) - And this is why I go into the details of even before any of the clients that I have that work on podcasting, even before we write a social media post, before we buy you the mic, set you up on any of the platforms we are doing. Your search engine optimization keyword list, because I need you to know what your target audience is looking up. I need you to know what topics they want you to cover. I need you to know. Shoot. I need to know as a person producing and managing your show. I need to know. So. There's some very specific things that are not hard to add to your rotation if you're already podcasting, but it takes some accountability on your part in order to do that. So here's what they're doing right. The first thing very simple. Is there creating searchable episode titles? Now that seems so. Duh. But. I love you. But your name. Is not special enough to be included in the title. Unless you are Oprah. Unless you're Beyonce.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:04:21) - Shoot. I would even say Steve Harvey is probably not searchable enough. No, that's a lot. He probably is. People like you and I, and there's not very many differences between us and Oprah and Steve Harvey and Beyonce and all those other people. Right? Except our bank accounts. We? We don't have household names, so we have to make sure that we're doing what we need to do. What does it look like to have a searchable episode title? It's you literally thinking about, okay, if I want to talk about. What's the topic? If I want to talk about imposter syndrome, I'm probably going to use the words imposter syndrome in my episode title. And I'm probably going to phrase it as, women business owners. This is how you overcome imposter syndrome or women business owners. This is how you overcome imposter syndrome when asking when making the ask. It's something very specific. Women business owners will self-identify because you said women business owners. You'll target the women business owners that are experiencing or feel like they identify with imposter syndrome.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:05:48) - And you'll be able to focus on the people who are focused on the nervousness and the anxiousness that goes that coincides with making the ask. It's scary to ask for the money that you feel like you deserve, associated with the service or the products that you're producing. You want to be able to target those people. Better yet. Talk about targeting a little. And this isn't even with SEO, but you also want to use targeted language. So instead of how I overcome. Imposter syndrome. When making the ask. Flip I into you because it's not about you. At the end of the day, it's not about me. At the end of the day, as a podcast host, you have a mission. You have a message that needs to get out to your listener. So it is about them. So flip it. And it's more how you overcome imposter syndrome associated with. Probably not saying the word associated with how you overcome imposter syndrome. When making the ask. Now when I'm, I'm when I'm scrolling through my phone, through Spotify, through Apple Podcasts, through YouTube, you're talking to me.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:07:12) - It's very specific. And that's going to be very helpful. All of these podcasts that you that I mentioned at the top of this episode are doing that. Let me get you an example. So we're looking at. I am a little biased. I think this woman is incredible. We're looking at the journey with Morgan DeBaun on June 4th. She did an episode called You Are Not Your Work Untangling Your Identity from From entrepreneurship with Chelsea Fagan of the Financial Diet. So not only does she use targeted language, you are not your work. So it's identifying me. But then to Chelsea Fagan for this particular, for Morgan DeBaun in the audience that she has, they are going to recognize Chelsea Fagan's name and or the brand name of the financial diet. That's perfect. Perfect. I'm most management is a done for you service provider. Our latest offering SEO keyword research designed specifically for podcasters like you who want to get noticed by their target audience. Imagine having a list of the exact keywords and phrases your listeners are searching for with our SEO keyword research.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:08:39) - You'll get a tailored analysis of your target audience, a comprehensive keyword list, and a step by step video guide on how to use these keywords to boost your specific podcast visibility. No more guessing games or shouting out into the void. Just targeted, effective strategies to get your podcast found by the right people. Ready to get started? Head over to Imus management.com to invest in your podcast future with SEO Keyword Research. All right, happy podcasting. The next thing is, I need you to start adding blog posts for each of your episodes. And Brené Brown does a really good job at this. If you look at her website, it's full of blog posts and it's yeah, it's cool that, hey, you, you want to make sure that you're, you're showing your guests and you're showing your topic enough for it to show up to different people, which is also the game of SEO and. When you have a episode title that is specific enough to your audience and what they're looking up, not only does the episode on Spotify and Apple Podcasts and YouTube pull up within Google search, but your website pulls up within Google Search because, hey, I want to know how to make an ask with imposter syndrome as a woman business owner.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:10:14) - Cool. Here's a blog post, a episode on Spotify, a episode on Apple Podcast, and an episode on YouTube that talk about those three, those four things or that thing rather. Excuse me, it's getting traffic to your website. And as business owners, that's key because we, at the end of the day, want to be able to use podcasting as an avenue to up our revenue without having to put in a whole bunch of sweat equity. Once the episode is recorded, once the episode is published, you're able to reap the benefits of that episode over and over and over. take a look at Brene Brown's website, because she does a really good job of that. Then let's look at some URL slugs. What is a URL slug? If you don't know. So if you go to for example, if you go to my website, iMoveManagement.com, that's the domain name iMovesManagement.com I have bought that. We are good to go right. But then I have other pages within. Within that site.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:11:27) - So I need to be able to tell the internet. To tell Google to tell. To even just to tell my website viewer what page they're on so that after the slash is your URL slug that gives it meaning. You're you're still on the image management page, but you're on this page. And the best thing is with our episodes, it further extends it out. So if I make a episode. It'll be I'm who's management slash episodes. Slash. Whatever the title of this episode is, because I haven't figured it out yet. All there. And that's going to help Google be able to pull up yet again your website, your blog post, your episode generating more listeners and ultimately more revenue. All of these podcasts that we're looking at do a really good job of that. Unless you are interviewing Oprah or someone that is 100%, without a doubt, a household name, please stop putting their name as your URL slug. I saw this recently and I did not know people were doing this until recent. I thought there's a subset of people who will just have a crazy amount of numbers as their URL slug, just because they're not paying attention to it, and it happens.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:13:05) - Squarespace automatically puts numbers there, WordPress automatically puts numbers there, so on and so forth. but please, definitely, if this is not a household name that anybody would look up, it's probably not going to benefit you for you to have their name as a URL slug. So make sure you're paying attention to that from your website, from the, publishing platform that you use has to be very, very searchable, something that somebody's already looking for. All right. And then the last thing that's going to benefit us is having detailed show notes. Sometimes we get lazy. We spend all this time recording the episode, thinking of the episode, coming up with these crafty ways to get people to listen to the episode. Once we have all these different clips and then it comes to show notes and it's like, dang! Just go to the website, please. Or just look at this link. You gotta keep the momentum going with your audience wants to know. Your audience wants to know that they are about to what they're about to listen to.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:14:15) - It's like the little blurb before you get to a Netflix show, you want to know what the show is about before you invest all this time with with them, or they want to know what the show is about, for they invest all this time. Because now I've spent 40 minutes hearing you yap about something I actually don't care about, especially since unfortunately, so many. Fortunately and unfortunately, so many people have gotten crafty at their titles, of their YouTube videos, of their episodes, so on and so forth that it's actually kind of clickbaity and the website and the episode is probably not about what we think it is about, but those details will tell on you. And that's a good thing if we're doing what we're supposed to be doing, so they don't have to be long. Please do not write an entire blog post in your show notes. Just provide a couple of timestamps for the most important topics that you cover. what those topics are and keep it cute. Keep it concise. Make it specific for your audience to be able to know.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:15:19) - Okay, this is an episode about imposter syndrome. I want to dive into this. Oh, okay. This is an episode about making the ask. I'm really nervous about making an ass. Let me dive into this one. It creates a blueprint and safe ground for your audience to feel like, okay, yeah, the title says this. The show notes also back that information up. Like I said, last episode, podcast is a long game, and I'll say it every single episode, every single time, every single meeting, all the things. Podcasting is a long game. You're asking people to spend 40 minutes, an hour, two hours, sometimes, sometimes an hour twice a week that we're asking people to spend time with us. And time does not come back. So we have to focus on quality versus quantity and making sure that our SEO game, making sure that our topics are on par, which is what SEO also helps us provide because we're taking the guesswork out of figuring out, do they even care about this topic? Yes, they do, because you've confirmed that they do by looking at their search results or the data behind their search behaviors.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:16:35) - So stay focused on going deep rather than wide. And that is how you grow a podcast. That is how you get to all these downloads, because you're filling the need. When the need is asked, or even before the need is asked is better. All right, y'all, thank you so much for listening. Leave a review. And. A good review, please. If you didn't like it. If this wasn't your jam. I get it, I accept feedback.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:17:06) - But just don't leave a review. Send me an email.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:17:09) - Thank you. Bye. Quick question. Have you ever wondered if your listeners are actually finding your episodes, or if you're just sending your amazing content into the void? If you've been struggling to get your podcast noticed, I need you to pause and be all ears right now. We have created a completely free SEO guide for podcasters Search Engine Optimization Guide for podcasters. This guide walks you through the entire process of starting your SEO research on your own, before having to bring in the big guns like us.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:17:46) - Whether you're new to podcasting or trying to get your feet wet or a seasoned host looking to level up, this guide walks you through the first step we take to boost our podcast clients visibility. Head over to iMovesManagement.com/resources and grab your guide now.

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