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Elevating Your Podcast's Reach and Impact with SEO Episode 1

Elevating Your Podcast's Reach and Impact with SEO

· 19:03


Automatically Transcribed With Podsqueeze

Tahjma VanBuren (00:00:01) - iMoves Management is a done for you service provider. Our latest offering, SEO keyword Research, designed specifically for podcasters like you who want to get noticed by their target audience. Imagine having a list of the exact keywords and phrases your listeners are searching for. With our SEO keyword research. You'll get a tailored analysis of your target audience, a comprehensive keyword list, and a step by step video guide on how to use these keywords to boost your specific podcast visibility. No more guessing games or shouting out into the void. Just targeted, effective strategies to get your podcast found by the right people. Ready to get started? Head over to to invest in your podcast future with SEO Keyword research. All right. Happy podcasting. Welcome to iMoves Podcast. I am Tahjma VanBuren. And this is where we talk about not just how to start a podcast, but how to keep going, scale and use podcasts as an additive to your business. Let's get to it. Hey, y'all! I am Tahjma VanBuren, host of iMoves Podcast and the founder of iMoves Management.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:01:26) - My love for podcasting runs real deep. I have always been a little bit of an old soul, compared to the people my age, and at some point things just weren't clicking. So kind of like any Gen Z or late millennial. I spent a lot of my time in the digital space, so I've been building websites since I was 12 or 13 years old. I launched a youth activism newsletter in middle school and in high school. and I've been podcasting in various forms since 2017. I dove deep with podcasting when I realized I could marry my love and my passion for performing arts, writing, project management, and the act of getting people to believe in something so much that they take action. And I feel like that's what podcasts do. All of it exists in the world of podcasting. So here we are on a mission to do exactly that with small businesses that are crafting their own movements. So today we are going to get into why are you going viral? Why is your podcast going viral for comments on the clips? That clearly show that the person who's commenting on this clip did not even listen to the dang on episode, and even if they didn't listen to the episode, why are you acting like you did? So there's a whole host of reasons why that can happen.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:03:13) - The reason that I want to focus on today is probably because you're not using search engine optimization at all, or well. So in preparation for that, I want to make sure to bring your attention to the show notes. In the show notes, I have provided you with a little link, to a SEO worksheet. It is not exhaustive at all, but it is a starter kit for you to be able to start figuring out what are the people that are listening, that are my target audience, my target listeners? What are they looking up to? Be able to find podcasts like mine or not even just podcasts, but content, information, answers, motivation, inspiration like mine because that's really what they're looking for. So go ahead, head on down there. Download your copy of it so that you can know where I'm coming from. I don't get into the details of that in this episode, but it's going to be useful when you hear some of the things that we get into. So first off, I don't know if y'all have heard and I haven't seen it happen nearly as much.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:04:26) - That's a lie. I have seen it happen with business podcasts and relationship podcasts. Whatever you are talking about, there's always going to be 20 different people, a hundred different people. However, many people are commenting on your on your stuff, on social media. They're always going to be reaching out. Mentioning something that had nothing to do with the podcast, and I think we see it as on a viral level. I think we see this more often with some of the pop culture and relationship content relationship podcasts, but it's something that we as business podcasters, we as people who talk about something very specific and we have podcasts with the intention of you buying something from us. It's something that we need to be aware of as well, even if it doesn't go to. Somebody commenting on something and thus diluting your message and leaving you dealing with irrelevant comments and feedback you have posted. I know for a fact you have posted a clip of your episode on LinkedIn or on Instagram with the intention of getting someone to listen to that episode, and then they comment on the they comment on the post.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:05:48) - With the comment on the post with a with one of the most generic. Answers are one of the most generic. Comments where it's like, did you did you listen to the podcast because it's not looking like it? It looks like you just want to comment, hey, those people exist. You can't really do anything about those people, but how do you get in front of your target audience? And that's what search engine optimization does for us. What is SEO? What is search engine optimization? SEO is how. Google, Yahoo, all, all, even Pinterest, and now even TikTok. How these search engines are being able to say, oh, this person is looking this up. Oh, Tudjman's looking up how to make the Starbucks lemon cake. Ryan is looking up. How do you do this drum beat? Let me find the pieces of content that exists on the internet in order to serve the the most specific and the most relevant pieces for them, or piece it results rather for this audience.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:07:06) - And you want to be able to be one of the top things, one of the top. podcast search results that come up for your target audience. If I'm looking for if I want to go to I know, I know, nine times out of ten if I want to go to a jeweler, are they considered jewelry? I'm thinking about Tiffany company. Tiffany and company. Dang. Maybe I'm not the target audience because I. I have no idea. I'm. You know what I'm talking about the blue box. I know if I want a very specific experience, a very specific, shopping experience for jewelry, I know that I can go to Tiffany and Co. Because. They have specific search words that tell me. Luxury shopping. Luxury jewelry. Even shoot. You can look up Audrey Hepburn. And you're going to find Tiffany and Co because of Breakfast at Tiffany's. So you want your topic, you want your podcast, your message, your business to be aligned with the search engines that your people are already looking for.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:08:24) - And the hard work is already done for us. Search engine optimization keywords particularly tell us what are they looking for? Not even just where to find them, but what are they looking for so you don't have to sit there? Oh my gosh, I don't know. I don't know what. What to post. I don't know what this episode should be about. I don't know no cut all that. It's already solved for you with SEO keywords. Now how do you do that? Your keywords are the phrases, the words, or the phrases that are again, people are searching. How do you actually look that up? There are entire firms there, entire individuals who specialize in this. So I'm going to give you a quick crash course on what I do for my podcasting clients, because one of the first things that we will do is not get you on the mic. One of the first things that we will do is get you in a position to. Research. How viable is your podcast topic? Are people looking for a therapist that talks about, sexual health? Are people looking for a coach that talks to women lawyers? Are people looking for an event planner that specifically services? I don't know, North Carolina, South Carolina, whatever.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:09:51) - Are they looking for it and how likely are they looking for it? And when they're looking up, looking that professional, when they're looking that topic up, what are they looking at. Are they looking for photo booths? Are they looking for information about burnout and overwhelm and imposter syndrome and all of the things that go along with that? What are they looking for? So that's what SEO does. all of this is in the. Everything that I'm about to go through, rather is in the, SEO keyword guide download that I, I put it in the show notes so you're able to see exactly what I'm talking through. We're going to go through this a little bit fast, just so that, you know, have an overview of what you're looking at. So one of the first things that you're going to do when you're looking to build your list of keywords is create a list of 5 to 10 broad topic ideas that are relevant to your business, to your your podcast theme, the whole host. So for example, say I'm an event planner, right? And I want to do a.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:11:03) - Podcast for my event planning business. it's a whole other conversation, but it's a good add on. It allows your clients to be able to get a little bit of your personality. There's a whole bunch of event planners, but not everybody is an event planner like you, and they want to be able to know, how are you solving your client's problems when you have a disaster at a wedding? Or how are you solving a problem when the floor isn't as level as you might want it? Whatever it may be, a podcast solves that answer or solves that problem in a way that maybe a one minute and 32nd Instagram video can't do or won't do, and you have a little bit more to say. Cool. So we're event planners for this moment. We need to create 5 to 10 broad topic ideas that are relevant to event planning. Because we want to do a podcast about being an event planner. Those five topics could be. Catering. Wedding favors. Trying to think of other things that go along with event planning.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:12:15) - RSVP. Yes, and we could go with table etiquette. That's for off the top of my head. Cool. So now that you have these five topics, I need you to take them a little bit deeper. You are going to think of some phrases associated with these five topics, with these 5 to 10 topics that your ideal client is probably looking up. So if I want to hear, if I want to look up an event planner and I'm looking into wedding favors, a phrase that I might use is cool, environmentally friendly wedding favors. Or if I shoot if I'm in Colorado and. My thing is I. I want to have some recreational drugs at my wedding. Where do I find that? And is there an event planner that's ever dealt with that? Is there an event planner that will deal with it? Just gave you a little podcast, idea. And then the other thing, oh, another broad topic would be venues. So. The phrase that would go along with that is okay.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:13:35) - I want to find your customers. Probably looking up. Best venues for a 50th birthday party or best venues for. Kids parties. Whatever it is, you're going to create a list for each one of your 5 to 10 topics. You're going to create a list for each one that emphasizes phrases that your clientele, your listener, is going to use when they're using Google, Yahoo, whatever. Now. Your next step is to go a little bit further. Here is where you find relevant search terms. You're going to test your key phrases using the search engines that your clients are using that your listeners are using. Quick question. Have you ever wondered if your listeners are actually finding your episodes, or if you're just sending your amazing content into the void? If you've been struggling to get your podcast noticed, I need you to pause and be all ears right now. We have created a completely free SEO guide for podcasters Search Engine Optimization Guide for podcasters. This guide walks you through the entire process of starting your SEO research on your own, before having to bring in the big guns like us.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:15:00) - Whether you're new to podcasting or trying to get your feet wet or a seasoned host looking to level up, this guide walks you through the first step we take to boost our podcast clients visibility. Head over to AMAs and grab your guide now. So you're going to put in the phrases that go along that you've written down into Google. And scroll down that page to see what other things are coming up associated with your phrase is the phrase that you think that they're looking up. Is it in that format, or are they actually calling environmentally friendly something like climate appropriate wedding favors or whatever it is? Get add more to that list. Somewhere along the Google page, you get to be able to see bolded letters, and it'll say something in association with, other search results. People are looking for some not those exact words, but something along those those lines and those are keywords that you or key phrases that you would need to also write down as well, because that's proof that people who are looking up the topic that you're researching are also looking up that particular way of.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:16:23) - Phrasing what they're looking for now. That we've gone through and we've made our 5 to 10 broad topics. We've gone deeper into what phrases, those that can go along with those five topics, and we've looked up and fact checked our phrases that we think our customer is looking up. Now you got to get into the data, and I'm not going to get into the details of this in this episode. It's a whole other thing. This is something that. It takes a while to really master shoot. I said at the beginning. There are entire SEO firms that are doing this work, so don't put pressure on yourself to make this happen. There are a number of websites that you can use to get into the weeds of. How many times are people looking this key phrase up? how much competition is it for this key phrase? It's a whole thing. And like I said, there's SEO firms that get into the details of how to make this work for your website, for all the things I'm giving you a shortcut specifically for your podcast.

Tahjma VanBuren (00:17:37) - All right. So I'll leave you with this last thing. Podcasting is truly a long game. it's like developing a TV show every single week. Or however often you put a podcast episode out, you're developing. A sitcom, you're developing a individual experience for your audience that they're coming back to you for. So it's a lot of work. So. So it's a lot of work. I need you to focus on quality versus quantity. And again SEO does that for us. So stay focused on going deep rather than wide. All right. Thank you so much for listening to the podcast. Leave us a review if you like what you heard. If you didn't like what you heard, just send us an email. We enjoy feedback.

Tahjma VanBuren 00:18:34 (()) - Don't leave a review by.

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